Reviews & Testimonials
"Where have Coefficient bars been for the last 15 years? So many beneficial hand placement options. Those notches on the drops are so practical. Endless Gains..."
Ian Boswell
Wahoo Frontiers Project | 2016 Vuelta d'España Stage Winner
"The Coefficient AR's shape encourages external shoulder rotation – a superior position for core & thoracic stability, breathing mechanics, nervous system function & grip strength."
Colby Pearce |
Pearce Coaching & Fitting | World Hour Record Holder: Masters 45-49 | Pan Am & US National Champion; Olympian
"...I quickly noticed a big change when riding in the drops along a stony towpath. This bar has the most effective vibration isolation of any that I've used..."
Jez Ash |
This episode tells a great story of fit, and science behind the Coefficient AR bar, with former Olympian Colby Pearce and Rick Sutton, COO of Coefficient Cycling.
Craig Dalton | THE GRAVEL RIDE PODCAST | Listen here
"After 3 months, I still appreciate how much better it rides. Every. Single. Ride. I used to spend 80% of my time on the hoods, now it’s like 50% on the tops and 40% on the hoods. Narrow is aero, and the Coefficient bars pocket my elbows naturally at my sides, not like chicken wings in the wind.”
Bill Brissmann
2x 2019 Masters Track World Champion | All-Things Racer: Road, Dirt, Boards
“As a former pro cyclist, I appreciate how subtle changes in position can maximize efficiency and performance. The Coefficient Handlebar relaxes my trapezius (neck) and pectorals (upper chest) muscles and allows me to put more power into pedalling, especially on long climbs. And my elbows naturally rotate closer to my body, to a more aerodynamic position. At the end of long rides, with fewer muscles held in tension for hours, I feel less fatigued.”
Christine Thorburn, M.D.
Rheumatologist | 2x U.S. Olympian, time trial and road race. World Championship Bronze Medalist
“I love the Coefficient bar! The slope and sweep really allows the wrists and shoulders to sit more naturally. This, in turn, is improving my breathing and position on the bike..”
Andrew Randell
2002 Canadian National Road Race Champion | Cofounder & Coach, The Cycling Gym, Toronto
"Good feel when pulling on them when climbing seated; for sure less 'deadness' felt in arms/shoulders; great extra comfort when on the tops.”
Philip Deeker
Endurance event rider and organizer |
"I have been amazed by how good the tops feel! The thumb notch in the drops is also a game-changer in sprints and on dirt descents. You are definitely on to something really good here!"
Chris Burnham |
BG Master Bike Fitter | International Bike Fitting Institute Certified | USA Cycling Power Certified Level 1 Coach
"To my surprise (I’m skeptical) they really make a difference to my comfort level ! I ride in pain; the pleasure is greater, so I continue to ride. The pain is relieved, however, with these new bars, especially if I don’t have to think about gear changes. Going up La Ganga, there’s a lot of steady climbing, so I’m in one gear. It’s the same going down. At those times I can comfortably stay on the tops(?) in a position that’s different to being on the hoods and I have less neck and shoulder pain. Woohoo!
Oh, and another thing, I feel in control on the tops. I never did with the other handlebars. Clearly, I had tops then too but I always felt the bike was wobbly when I held on to them, especially going downhill.
I was tired yesterday before I even started out and yet I had a slew of PRs. I was very surprised. The bars? The disc brake not rubbing? A combination of the two? Whatever, I’m happy! 😃
Moltes moltes gràcies!!"
Mike's Mum
“I have been riding the Coefficient AR for the last 3 months and just purchased two more! Ergonomically, Coefficient is the most comfortable drop-bar shape I have ever ridden.”
Richard Bryne
Co-founder & CEO | Speedplay, Inc. |

"I'm not going back to "normal" bars. Everything is right about the Coefficient bars."
Al Clark,
Sr. Director, Kenda Tires North America
"I expected to hate the Coefficent bar, but I love it!"
Katy Giles
U.S. Masters Road & TT National Champion
"I love the Coefficient AR bar! It performed flawlessly at Dirty kanza!"
Bob Spatta
Gravel Racer
"The most comfortable bar I've ever ridden. Love 'em"
Rich Sangelli
Skyline Cycling GMBH